Physical Properties
Chemical Formula : Ca(Mg,Fe)4Al(Si7Al)O22(OH,F)2
Hardness : 6
Cleavage : Two, perfect
Luster : Vitreous
Color : Dark green, dark brown, black.
Streak : White
Density : 3.0-3.4
Diagnostic Features and Trivia : Hornblende is readily identified by its dark color and perfect cleavage.
Crystal System and Habit : Monoclinic; common crystals are prismatic with hexagonal cross section.
Reaction to HCl: Chemical interaction of hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
Index of Refraction : alpha=1.61-1.70; beta=1.62-1.70; gamma=1.63-1.71
The History of Hornblende
The word Hornblende comes from the two German words, Horn and Blende. Horn meaning mezmerizing and blinding and blende meaning non metallic and glassy. This may have come from old miners in Sweden, a common place where hornblende is mined, but it is not sure.
Hornblende is known to be healing in the areas of Wisdom, Communication, Balance, Toes, and Fingers.
There was almost no information about history or folklore of hornblende, so that is why my information is so short.
Value of hornblende
Hornblende is a common mineral that is found in different rock types and has almost no commercial value. It is almost always opaque and black and not very attractive. Yet some samples are very unique and make for valuable specimens. In many cases a specimen of of a mineral with much greater of a value will be accented by the opaque black crystals of hornblende. Almost all minerals are more valueble than Hornblende. Rubies and Diamonds are at the top of the list for vulue. Diamonds are definately the most expensive and Hornblende is one of the least. There are many different forms of minerals but Hornblende is not highly priced in a lot of its forms.